Tuesday 5 July 2016

Fedora 24 Release Party Bangalore

     We had a Fedora 24 Release Party on the 3rd of July, 2016, organised by Sumantro Mukherjee, Sudhir Dharanendraiah and Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay in Red Hat, Bangalore. During this release party, we discussed new features in Fedora 24. Around 50 people came to the Fedora 24 release party and most of the people were college students.

    We initiated the party by cutting the cake.  

Sudhir (QA Manager) slicing the Fedora cake

Fedora 24 Cake

This event had three booths for each of the following:
1. Cool features of Fedora 
2. Internet of Things
3. Fedora 24 Installation desk - Here, we installed Fedora 24 OS for the participants. 

After that, Sumantro and Arvind explained new features of Fedora 24. 
Arvind initiated Fedora 24 Release Party
Sumantro explaining Fedora 24 new features
In the second session, Sumantro talked about 'Internet of Things' on Fedora and Pidora.


This sums up the morning session.During lunch, Sachidananda talked about the history of Linux.

Sachidananda talks about History of Linux

Hereafter, I had presented "The Power of Linux" presentation and discussed the advantages of using Linux operating system and made comparisons between Linux and other operating systems. 
In the afternoon session, Suraj Deshmukh talks about DGPlug training. 

SurajD talks about DGPlug training

 Richa Rupela talked about her contribution to open source, how she began her journey in the open source world and also shared ideas with the audience on how to contribute to open source.

Richa talks about her open source contribution

In  the evening session, Sumantro demonstrated how to contribute to Fedora projects. After demonstrating the presentation, interested attendees tested Fedora Bodhi packages. They also earned badges at the end.


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